The De Mayo Knee Positioner® Boot Pad Set is a patient protective pad for the De Mayo Knee Positioner systems, which include the De Mayo Adapt2Fit® Modular Knee Positioner, the De Mayo D2® Knee Positioner, the De Mayo V2® Knee Positioner, and the De Mayo Knee Positioner®. The Boot Pad Set is intended to hold the patient’s foot and leg in place during the procedure, while reducing the likelihood of pressure ulcers. This is a latex-free, sterile, single-use protective pad.
Always consult the IFU before use. The Sterile Pressure Protector Pad Set is used with the De Mayo Knee Positioner and the intended use is to reduce pressure sores, abrasions and possible neurological impairment while securing the foot into the boot.
This device is not designed, sold, or intended for use except as indicated.
Catalog 803-GP-10
Quantity: 10
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